

In the video in Portuguese we fully understand the Pope’s!



What is shocking in this video is that the pope openly deny Jesus Christ.

The pope openly said that the fact that Jesus Christ was crucified is a failure ….!

Now this is not a failure because Christ knew he would be crucified and he even told Peter that before the cock crows you will deny me three times ….!

Jesus knew from the beginning of his sermon he would end up on the cross.

But he agreed to sacrifice his life to save our souls because man is so unclean and fisherman no unclean thing can enter the kingdom of heaven.

It is through the blood of Christ on the cross that we are redeemed!

The pope made his remarks to Jesus Christ as a simple prophet says ISLAM, full of good intentions but failed since he died on the cross ….!

Coming from a Christian such remarks are unworthy of his faith, but from the Pope, these words are an official declaration of death of the Catholic Church has announced that under a thunderous applause in New York .

For the Pope Jesus Christ was not the son of God (God made man as we teach the gospels) but a man like others with gifts of prophecy who died on the cross ….!

The little quips of the Pope are all nails that plant on the wrists and feet of Jesus Christ on the Cross.

With the last words of the Pope, we can officially say that the Catholic Church is officially dead under a thunderous applause in New York September 25, 2015 at St Patrick’s Cathedral.


Pray fervently my dearly Beloved Brothers and Sisters for the return to Earth of our Lord Jesus Christ as we are officially alone and in great danger now.

God bless you
