Posts Tagged ‘human disasters’


janvier 12, 2012


Anyone or anything blocking its REIGN

that’s tomorrow!

The world will open up to LOVE the reign of Jesus Christ

Since September 29, 2008, when the stock market crash on Wall Street, the world descended « to hell »

The global economy found itself in such a difficulty, no solution has been found to date.

As a happiness never goes alone, he is the same for misfortunes.

Indeed, it is when the world was left in ruins, had the most need the help of Providence, « God, » that misfortunes are increasingly come from all parts of the world.

There are none so blind as those who refuse to see and there are none so deaf as those who refuse to hear!

We saw the storms, torrential rains, floods, fires gigantic apocalyptic earthquakes, material and human disasters that have come to increase the destruction of people and the world economy.

Wars, revolts, revolutions, violent demonstrations and acts of terrorism came as worse side of the world including the Arab-Muslim countries.

Faith, Love for God and the respect of his Ten Commandments were also reduced to almost nothing in the world including in the Christian world.

Man in general terms has become selfish, individualistic, indifferent and insensitive to the misfortunes of others.

The sense of values ​​has actually reversed

What was known as MAL has become commonplace and accepted!

It is among the poorest that are still some values ​​of love and respect.

The values ​​of love that we have been taught by Jesus Christ are no longer referenced.

Even within the Church of Jesus Christ there is warmth!

Remember how firmly Jesus Christ drove the merchants from the temple!

Today, the community of the Church of Jesus Christ accepts everything without saying anything!

We give up before the rise of Islam in the world!

Few are those who say loud and Stop! We are Christians and want the values ​​of our community are met and that the principle of secularism is not challenged with exemptions to encourage the rise of Islam in secular but land whose culture, values ​​and the foundations are Judeo-Christians.

In our courts, and other public buildings all the signs « Judeo-Christians » have been filed over the years and most of the crosses in our municipalities.

These signs were there, a reminder that despite the secular, the foundations of law and society were directly related to our culture, our roots and our values ​​that our elders have died to defend the principles.

All our laws are made to preserve our principles, our culture, our values ​​and our origins.

It is these principles, our culture and values ​​that are the foundation of our society and why we must be prepared to sacrifice our lives to defend it.

History has proven that when a society no longer has the will to persist well it disappears.

No one is willing to die for the values ​​that are at odds with his.

Our Western society has the will to survive and adapts to this increased invasive of Islam, whose cultural and religious values ​​are at odds with Western society whose foundations are the ones Judeo-Christians.

Our elected officials are not the guarantors of our institutions, our values, our Western culture and our society to Judeo-Christian foundations.

How not to marvel at the rise of individualism, of selfishness, of the loss of values ​​and benchmarks.

The lowest even turn to Islam, others are turning to self-centeredness!

But we, my brothers and sisters in Christ, we know that these things were planned and mentioned in the Bible and especially in the Gospels.

Are proud to be Christians, defend our King Jesus Christ, our weapon is love! This is the strongest of all weapons.

Preach the gospel of our Lord « Jesus Christ is coming back soon » everyone is free to come to Jesus Christ but everyone knows that Jesus Christ is the only path to God!

The earth will soon be assigned to the anti-Christ « for the last week of Daniel «  in which seven long years of terrible tribulations are planned.

They will lead the peoples of the world apocalyptic world war that will end at the physical return of Jesus Christ on earth. It will be on the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem.

The beginnings of this war are seen everywhere, Chinese, Russians are defenders of Iran, which wants access to nuclear weapons and destroy Israel but NATO « the United States and Europe » in defense of Israel and to to prevent Iran access to nuclear weapons.

In fact as the world is ruined, and those who think they are rich in funny money, soon, I would say very soon, the world economy will collapse like a house of cards.

The great of this world, « our leaders » much of which is composed of beings subject to the occult and economic forces. Will trigger a world war in the hope of starting a new economy!

2012 promises to be a bad year for the peoples of the earth!

Tax increases, cuts in income and increases in living costs are expected for the first months of 2012.

A worsening global economic crisis and possibly a collapse of the Euro and the dollar that governments since 2008 to support calls debts, which have become so enormous that one can hardly imagine the size.

On TF1, I saw a picture explanation of the debt of the French state.

Debt almost 1700 000 000 000 Euros (One thousand seven hundred billion euros) represents the floor area and cubic volume of the Arc de Triomphe, in notes of 100 Euros.

Amazing and I’m not even sure there is as much of banknotes in Europe!

Our state debt is astronomical, but virtual and has no connection with physical reality.

Things have come to this, because we brothers and sisters in Christ, have left the evil forces invading our daily lives, by the warmth of our faith in God, we let doubt enter into us.

We are all guilty, no doubt for a moment!

We have been deceived and now we see the result of our warmth.

Whether we serve as a lesson.

Now we must look to the future.

The future for the people of the earth is the end of freedom is poverty, it is the modern-day slavery, these are riots and violent demonstrations, it’s war that threatens and dark days for the man who came to the world and we see the beginnings in the Arab and Muslim countries.

The return of Jesus Christ must be in pain!

As for childbirth pain are more vivid and closer, the more the issue is close.

So is there for the return of Jesus Christ!

We can all see that since 1948, disasters, earthquakes, floods, torrential rains, storms unconventional, droughts, fires, epidemics, pandemics and other disasters have increased exponentially.

Today it is rare, day or a major disaster does not happen on earth, so much so that the information on TV have become misinformation silent much of the disaster.

Only economic difficulties are the daily bread of our newspapers and media.

Earthquakes and other disasters, we are not talking about any more, except when the human and material damage exceeding a certain size, « said exceeded the acceptable standard!  »

You can follow the daily earthquakes with the links below # 2 # 2w

My beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, you must understand that the higher the return of Jesus Christ is near and more things are subject to Satan stronger and more challenges are significant.

But we must not be afraid of what happens to the world!

Jesus Christ warned us that these things would happen. And they worsen until his return.

What Jesus wants from us is to be soldiers!

We must preach the gospel « Jesus Christ is coming soon »

We must convince them that God and Jesus Christ send us.

We must help those in need and who seek our help.

We need to baptize those who ask for baptism.

We need to explain the love and faith to those who request it is our strength!

We need to raise their heads and be proud to be Christians

We must walk right in life.

We must set an example by our actions, by our faith in God and our Lord Jesus Christ.

We are living the end times

These are very difficult times, and that will worsen.

We know and need to be aware!

This year 2012 is fast approaching, the world will be a bad year!

But to us who are awaiting the return of Jesus Christ, this year will be a year full of love and hope in waiting for the rapture of the church, which I hope that we all belong .

We know within ourselves that we are special times.

Then open your eyes to see the reality of life!

Tendons ears to hear the trumpets of God who proclaim the Lord’s Day!

Are all very attentive to our minds understand the signs of the end times and the return of Jesus Christ.

Let’s open our mouths to proclaim the imminent coming of our King Jesus Christ.

Humon this good freshness of eternity that comes over us!

Despite the great difficulties of daily life, let us in hope and anticipation of the return of our Lord Jesus Christ!

Coming soon, yes, and very soon, given the exponential increase of the signs.

Given the great difficulties of the earth manifested more by earthquakes and other disasters, which are increasingly important in intensity and power

Given this economic crisis, and the ruins of the debts of states that are growing every day and whose outcome in the short term can only be done by a world war.

Given the meteoric rise of Islam, including Muslim countries.

Yet they rebelled against their civilian dictatorship eventually to sink under the yoke of dictators new fanatics who use religion to enslave the people.

« I sincerely pity those people whose blood still flows in streams to reach their final freedom that is so afraid, they prefer to get at the hands of fanatics who will not only lead to the abyss. « 

In view of all these signs we can understand that our expectations will be brief.

So, strengthen our faith, watching for new signs, be patient, and especially pray daily and even several times a day.

Have a few words of love and gratitude to God and Jesus Christ his only son who is our King, Lord and Master.

So soon and very soon, those of us who will be on God and Jesus Christ.

Have requested that their guide their lives,

Who have sought forgiveness for all sins, trespasses and sins,

To be baptized

Who have at least begun to recover their lives, respecting the Ten Commandments of God, will be removed in an instant in the blink of an eye and will be invited to the wedding of the Lamb in heaven, the wedding will be « the alliance eternal « between Jesus Christ and his church.

Soon so very soon, the church members removed « elect » will be processed and coated with a light body, a body incorruptible and will advance to eternal life and will be forever with Jesus Christ

The poorest of the kingdom of Christ will be more important than the richest people on earth!

Our life will turn soon. This is not a dream, it’s reality!

The expectation of the Church of Jesus Christ coming to an end, at long last 2000 years.

This church, you can still make some, but very soon it will be too late and then there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.

Alas, a thousand times, but alas, the doors will be permanently closed after the kidnapping.

It will then go through seven years of tribulation and death to enter the kingdom of heaven.

Blessed are those who brought the good news is, because they can choose if they want to follow Jesus Christ or Satan.

Blessed are those who choose to follow Jesus Christ, as always, they exist in love and peace with their Lord and Master Jesus Christ.

Let us all pray! My beloved brothers and sisters in Christ,

Pray for the salvation of our souls,

We pray for all those we love

Pray for those who are not fortunate enough to understand that we are at the end of time.

Pray for those who refuse the outstretched hand of Jesus Christ

Pray for those who have been abused by the false prophets!

Pray and watching for signs of the return of our King!

Let us along the path of truth, by shedding light the flame of our faith, to watch and wait for our Lord and King Jesus Christ is the way.

Today Jesus Christ is at the door! Are you going to let him in your life and your Heart?

2012 will be a very special year!

It will be very good for some souls! But Black is likely to be many other souls!

My beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, pray again and again and be in constant communion with God through prayer and Jesus Christ

Let us be grateful for this life that was given to us, because although it is sometimes difficult and it makes us know the pain, suffering and many disasters. This life is our passport to an eternity of love peace and justice.

No being on earth deserves the Eternity, because we are all sinners before the Lord our God.

By sin, we are all condemned and forbidden in the kingdom of heaven because of sin

Nothing impure can enter the kingdom of heaven!

But Jesus Christ, only Son of God, for love of us who were convicted, came to earth and has agreed to suffer and die on the cross to atone for our sins and enable us to access and by his love for Eternal life in love and peace.

Love For God brought to life on earth his only son Jesus Christ.

It’s the morning of the third day of his death that Jesus Christ came back to life.

Before leaving in heaven to prepare a home in the house of his father, Jesus Christ told his disciples « At the end of time, I will get you to where I am you may be also »

This return is near, though no one knows, neither the day nor the hour, we must understand that we are in the time of the end times and the return of Jesus Christ is imminent, but the its removal can occur at any time.

To be honest with you, in light of current events, increasing difficulties of our world and signs arrivals exponentially, I am firmly convinced, and convinced that removal of the Church of Jesus Christ can take place before the end of 2012.

I pray to God, they bring you to all, peace in the Heart and the darkness of the Apocalypse does not prevent you from seeing the light of Christ that enlightens our hearts, despite the increasing difficulties of life.

Savor the good moments of conviviality with friends, the sweetness of a family meal, tenderness and love shared.

Ressourçons us, listen to the melody of a song bird, the lapping of the water of the river, the sound of wind in the trees, everywhere we see and hear around us the love of God.

Make peace with us and prepare us to see our Lord Jesus Christ that soon we will remove out of love.

Then in an instant in the blink of an eye we will be transformed and removed in the heavens forever be with our Lord and King Jesus Christ. This is imminent!

To begin this eternal life, we will return to earth with Jesus Christ following the marriage of the Lamb « Alliance of Jesus Christ with his church removed) and we will help land our brothers and sisters who have not been removed and who have survived the tribulations (wars, violence, famine, suffering and diseases)

During the thousand years of the reign of Jesus Christ, we will be with our King Jesus Christ on earth.

Then an eternity of discovery, adventure, love and peace lie ahead in the company of our beloved King, Jesus Christ. And finally we will find and know God!

This is not a dream and I repeat myself because it’s very important that our life is the result of our faith in God and Jesus Christ is an expectation of our church for 2000 years is tomorrow for those who have kept the flame burning of the Faith. And for all who come to Christ at the last minute.

Jesus Christ welcomes all who come to him at the last minute like all those who came to him for many years. For Jesus Christ is Love and Love there is no priority.

I invite you to read my article in the eleventh hour worker

The parable of the workers of the 11th Hour

Jesus told this parable:

The kingdom of heaven is like a householder who went out at dawn to hire laborers for his vineyard.
It was agreed with them on the salary of a silver coin for the day, and he sent them into his vineyard (…)
Just before the end of the day, he went out and found other workers.
He said, « Why did you stay here all day idle? »
They replied, « Because no one has hired us. »
He said, « You go into my vineyard. »

In the evening, each received his salary.
Those who arrived late in the day received a silver coin …
Those who started early in the morning received the same …
and they récriminèrent against the master of the domain:
« They came n ‘ have an hour of work and you treat them like us who have endured the weight of the day and the heat!  »
But the master answered one of them: « My friend, I do thee no wrong .
Did not you agreed with me for a coin?
Have I no right to do what I want from my property?
Will you look with an evil eye because I, I am good? «

All signs of the end times were written in the Bible by God’s will for us to raise awareness of the arrival of the end times, and then the physical return of the Mount of Olives Jesus Christ, our Lord and Master came to reign for a thousand years to purify those who had not believed in him before the removal of the church.

The signs of the end times and therefore the return of Jesus Christ, are so strong that no one can say I did not know, I did not understand.

But then it will just say for certain, I did not open his eyes. I did not want to hear.

And you what do you choose?

Jesus Christ loves us all! But his Love Meets the wonderful gift that has given us from the beginning of the world, our Father God Almighty in his infinite goodness « The Free Will »

On behalf of free will, Jesus Christ, take away, as those who were chosen as personal Savior and as Lord and Master, who have been baptized, who have asked forgiveness for their sins, sins and trespasses, and started to straighten their lives in accordance with the Ten Commandments of God.

I wish you all dear readers to the end of time, dear and beloved brothers and sisters in Christ, a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays and New Year 2011.

May God and Jesus Christ enlighten our way through the darkness, we keep away from temptation and deliver us from evil.

Thank Jesus Christ for the love he shows us and lead us to eternal life in devotion, Love and Peace.

Thank God for this life that will give us access to eternal life without going to some of us by Death.

Lest we forget:


So pray, pray and pray again and again. Express our love for God and Jesus Christ through our prayers.

Do not pray like windmills. Simply and calmly talking to God and Jesus Christ, because they see us and hear us, they tell us too, but should still know how to listen and understand the signs.

Do not put off until tomorrow what we can do today because tomorrow we may not be there anymore and it will be too late to do what needed to be done …!

Love and Peace in the heart and at home!
